Michel Carmantrand, carmantrand@gmail.com
By always working in series, I continued to develop the movement of the previous paintings, then I devoted myself to a set dedicated to the cross, entitled simply Kreuzung (Crossroad).
On this basis of the cross motif, I developed a series on watercolor paper of size 40 x 40 cm, through cutting, collage and acrylic paint, which I called Quergang (vein).
Then came the relatively short 19.99 series, which I called this because I was doing every painting in twenty minutes. It was the stress of the moment.
In 2011 appeared a vast series of abstract drawings on 40x40cm watercolor paper, which I called Störenordnen (something like "disturbtidy"). In 2011 and 2012, I continued my exploration through squeegee, acrylic, oil and wood glue on canvas, each piece 50x50cm. And a more radical series, on canvas, 120x120cm format, entitled Die Schnecke (The snail). Also in 2012, I analyzed in pencil and charcoal, the reflections, interactions and deployments of the light in and on a small blue plastic polyhedron that I had found in the street. In 2012 and 2013, a series on wood in oil, entitled WIP. Then, until 2014, I continued exploring the oblong traces, unexpected for me, left by a squeegee.
Click on a pic to enlarge it. / Another year by clicking on 'older posts' at the foot of the page. / Link to Papers and Curated shows at the bottom.

Elm, 170x170cm, oil on canvas, 2014
Luette, 170x170cm, oil on canvas, 2014
Lapin, 170x170cm, gesso, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2014
Belt, 170x170cm, oil on canvas, 2014
Kus, 170x170cm, pigment, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2014
Kapal, 150x150cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Mele, 150x150cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Leo, 150x150cm, gesso, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Ahab, 170x170cm, oil on canvas, 2013

Kater, 40x30cm, oil on canvas, 2013

Fal, 40x30cm, oil on canvas, 2013

Fallop, 51x40cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Paintings 2012 (selection):
Kavi, 150x150cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Sotol, 150x150cm, acrylic, pigments and oil on canvas, 2013
Ecce, 150x150cm, gesso and oil on canvas, 2013
Zou, 130x130cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Reg, 150x150cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Duke, 85x85cm, gesso and acrylic on canvas, 2013
Exo, 170x170cm, acrylic, pigments and oil on canvas, 2013
Bod, 40x30cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Vito, 50x40cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Biju, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Bredo, 50x40cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Framb, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Mona, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Paddi, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Pheno, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Wol, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Poutou, 40x30cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Fakat, 40x30cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Kater, 40x30cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Fal, 40x30cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Fallop, 51x40cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Malox, 30x40cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Makasse, 41x33cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Maldonne, 30x24cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Labil, 40x30cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Moulou, 30x40cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Tollé, 70x70cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Xalla, 40x30cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Koti, 40x30cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Post, 40x30cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Mapet, 30x40cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Nono, 30x30cm, gesso, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Fip,18x24cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Volo, 18x24cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Ent, 18x24cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Fadapa, 18x24cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Rop, 18x24cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Oné, 18x24cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Moï, 18x24cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Alu, 18x24cm, acryl and oil on linen, 2013
Mal, 18x24cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Fram, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Zam, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Mol, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Oaa, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Voli, 24x18cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Nob, 30x24cm, oil on canvas, 2013
Lagos, 35x27cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Mobi, 20x20cm, gesso and oil on canvas, 2013
Smooth key, 50x50x3,5cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2012-2013
Interpenetrating, 40x40cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2013
Wip (selection), 2013-2012:
Wip54, 30x30cm, acrylic and oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip53, 30x30cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip51, 26x26cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip50, 27x27cm, gesso and oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip49, 27x27cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip48, 27x27cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip45, 38x37x5cm, oil on compressed wood, collage, 2013
Wip44, 30x30x9cm, oil on wood, cut, dust, 2013
Wip42, 30x30cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip41, 27x27cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip40, 30x30x6cm, oil on wood, 2013
Wip39, 27x27cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip37, 30x30cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip36,30x30cm, pencil and oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip35, 26x26cm, pencil and oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip34, 27x27cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip33, 30x30cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip32, 25x25cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip31, 30x30cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip30, 27x27cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip29, 25x25cm, pencil an oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip28, 26x26cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip27, 26x26cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip26, 42x42x3cm, oil on wood, 2013
Wip22, 30x30cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip21, 26x26cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip20, 26x26cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip19, 26x26cm, oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip16, 24x24cm, oil on cut cardboard, 2013
Wip15, 24x24cm, oil on cardboard, 2013
Wip14, 24x24cm, oil on bent cardboard, 2013
Wip12, 25x25cm, gesso and oil on compressed wood, 2013
Wip11, 25x25cm, gesso on compressed wood, 2013
Rivages II, 50x50cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Découpe, 50x50x3,5cm, gesso and oil on canvas, 2012
drawing, 12x15cm, pencil on paper, 2012
Missing, 36x36cm, oil on tin wood board, 2012
Paintings 2012 (selection):
Perspekt, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Schaft, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Dagouba, 50x50x4cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Modern, 50x50x4cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Croisé, 50x50x4cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Malone, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Sissi II, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Sissi, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Travers, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Reprise, 75x75cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Radamante, 75x75cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Manifeste, 85x85cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Mehr Licht, 90x90cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Météo, 85x85cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Blaublau, 140x140cm, oil on canvas, 2012
"Anatomie eines Stückes" (anatomy of a piece), drawings (selection), 2012
Einen vor sich befindlichen Gegenstand zum Ausgang einer Zeichnung zu nehmen, zum Beispiel, bedeutet sich der Welt mittels eines distanzierenden und spezifischen Verfahrens bewusst zu werden. Dabei werden die Gesetze der Erscheinung (der Wahrnehmung) dieses Gegenstandes synthetisiert. Damit es dazu kommt, müssen die verschiedenen Erscheinungsweisen dieses Gegenstandes analysiert werden, indem dieser durch die Beobachtung aus seinem Kontext herausgehoben wird, und die bestimmenden Elemente dieser Weisen auf das Papier übertragen werden. Es handelt sich nicht darum, zu reproduzieren, sondern darum zu evozieren. Die Zeichnung einer Nuss hat niemals den Geschmack einer Nuss. Denn die dem Gegenstand entgegengebrachte Aufmerksamkeit zerstört die Ähnlichkeitsabbildung. Diese Translation, die über die Wahrnehmung eines Objektes danach strebt, das Bild dieses Objektes zu produzieren, entspricht genau jenem Verfahren, das man abstrahieren nennt.
Dessiner à partir de quelque chose posée devant soi, par exemple, c’est prendre connaissance du monde au travers d’une opération distante et spécifique. Et ceci en synthétisant les lois régissant l’apparition (la perception) de cette chose. Pour ce faire, il faut examiner les apparences de cette chose en la détachant de son contexte par l’observation, et en transposer sur le papier les éléments spécifiques décisifs. Il n’est pas question de reproduire, mais d’évoquer. Le dessin d’une noix n’a jamais eu un goût de noix. Car l’attention portée à la chose détruit la ressemblance. Cette translation qui, de la perception d’un objet tend à produire l’image de cet objet, relève précisément d’une opération que l’on appelle : abstraire.
Paintings 2012 (selection):
Fix it, 140x140cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Perspektief, 30x30cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Toto, 120x120cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Dorée, 30x30cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Interne, 30x30cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Struktur, 50x50cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Squares, 30x30cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Mesure, 85x85cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Jurisprudence, 50x50cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Layers, 85x85cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Irruption, 130x130cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Freinage, 140x140cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Synthèse, 140x140cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Azo, 140x140cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Assez, 140x140cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Im Rahmen, 50x50cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Deux, 140x140cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Oskar, 140x140cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Flach, 140x140cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Zickzack (selection), 2011:
Zickzack (selection), 2011:
Zickzack, (zigzag), in its double movement of landfill (roller) and bury off (scraper), filling and emptying, was playing simultaneously with lines and surface. The scraper, as the roller, creates surfaces, either by addition or by shrinking, limited both sides by two lines.
ZZ18, 120x120cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2011
ZZ16, 120x120cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2011
ZZ15, 120x120cm, acrylic, pigments and gesso on canvas, 2011
ZZ14, 120x120cm, acrylic on canvas, 2011
ZZ13, 120x120cm, acrylic on canvas, 2011
ZZ12, 120x120cm, acrylic on canvas, 2011
ZZ11, 120x120cm, acrylic and pigments on canvas, 2011
ZZ10, 120x120cm, acrylic on canvas, 2011
ZZ9, 120x120cm, acrylic, pigments and gesso on canvas, 2011
ZZ4, 120x120cm, acrylic, pigments and gesso on canvas, 2011
ZZ3, 120x120cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2011
Die Schnecke (the snail), selection, 2012-2011:
Intérieur bourgeois, 50x50cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Rougissant, 30x30cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Tram, 85x85cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Radio, 50x50cm, acryl and pigment on canvas, 2012
Précise, 50x50cm, alkyd on canvas, 2012
La discrète, 50x50cm, acryl and pigment on canvas, 2012
Alignée, 50x50cm, oil on canvas, 2012
Sch.46, 50x50cm, acrylic, wood glue and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.45, 50x50cm, gesso and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.43, 50x50cm, acrylic and black gesso on canvas, 2011
Sch.39, 50x50cm, gesso and oil on canvas, 2011
Sch.37, 50x50cm, gesso ans black gesso on canvas, 2011
Sch.36, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.35, 50x50cm, oil on canvas, 2011
Sch.34, 50x50cm, gesso on canvas, 2011
Sch.31, 50x50cm, wood glue and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.27, 50x50cm, acrylic and black gesso on canvas, 2011
Sch.26, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.25, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.23, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.21, 50x50cm, acrylic, wood glue and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.20, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.19, 50x50cm, acrylic, gesso and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.18, 50x50cm, acrylic on canvas, 2011
Sch.16, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.15, 50x50cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2011
Sch.14, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.10, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.9, 50x50cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2011
Sch.8, 50x50cm, acrylic on canvas, 2011
Sch.7, 50x50cm, gesso on canvas, 2011
Sch.5, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.4, 50x50cm, acrylic, gesso and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.3, 50x50cm, acrylic, gesso and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.2, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2011
Sch.1, 50x50cm, acrylic, gesso and pigment on canvas, 2011
Paintings 2010 (selection):
Störenordnen (selection), 2011:
Störenordnen is a series of 105 drawings and collages on paper 40x40cm, all concerned about this question of the representation of space (ambiguities of the line identifying the surface, the depth, the scale). That was also the opportunity to discuss the point in all simplicity, without cultural bail.
19.99, 2010:
19.99 VIII, 150x150cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
19.99 VII, 150x150cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
19.99 VI, 150x150cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
19.99 V, 150x150cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
19.99 IV, 150x150cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
19.99 III, 150x150cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
19.99 II, 150x150cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
Quergang (vein), 40x40cm, acrylic on paper and cut-out, 2010:
Paintings 2010 (selection):
Who's, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Sofia, 140x140cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Crescent, 120x120cm, acrylic, metal powder and pigment on canvas, 2010
Astery, 184x184cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Naes, 50x50cm, acrylic, pigment and metal powder on canvas, 2010
Dows, 50x50cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Sirg, 60x60cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Whitlord, 140x140cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Kreuzung (crosses),(selection), 2010:
Kreuzung (crosses),(selection), 2010:
Protokreuz (Kr. 1), 150x150cm, acrylic and metal powder on canvas, 2010
Tafelkreuz, 170x170cm, acrylic and metal powder on canvas, 2010
Tremendous, 185x185cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Gorgeous, 184x184cm, acrylic, pigment and metal powder on canvas, 2010
Present, 184x184cm, acrylic and metal powder on canvas, 2010
B, 185x185cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
A, 185x185cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
Kr. 29, 130x130cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 27, 130x130cm, acrylic, black gesso and gesso on canvas, 2010
Kr. 26, 40x40cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 25, 110x110cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
Kr. 24, 100x100cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 23, 95x95cm, black gesso on canvas, 2010
Kr. 22, 140x140cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 21, 120x120cm, black gesso on canvas, 2010
Kr. 20, 120x120cm, acrylic and metal powder on canvas, 2010
Kr. 19, 120x120cm, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 2010
Kr. 18, 100x100cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 17, 90x90cm, black gesso on canvas, 2010
Kr. 16, 70x70cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 15, 70x70cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 14, 130x130cm, acrylic, gesso and metal powder on canvas, 2010
Kr. 13, 80x80cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 12, 70x70cm, acrylic and metal powder on canvas, 2010
Kr. 10, 80x80cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 8, 50x50cm, acrylic and metal powder on canvas, 2010
Kr. 7, 60x60cm, acryl and pigment on canvas, roller, 2010
Kr. 6, 30x30cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
Kr. 5, 70x70cm, acrylic an metal powder on canvas, 2010
Kr. 4, 60x60cm, acrylic and metal powder on canvas, 2010
Kr. 2, 130x130cm, acrylic, metal powder and pigment on canvas, 2010
Quiet Outbreaks series (selection), 2010:
Blättchen, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Unscharf, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Crantage, 185x185cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
None II, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Cain VI, 185x185cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Cain IV, 200x165cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Votif, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Synopsis, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Leer, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Quiet Outbreaks series (selection), 2010:
Couronne, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Arrondie, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Solaire, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Das Rot schälen, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Kompliziert, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Antithèse, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Vierfachen, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Im Schatten des Bogens, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Blättchen, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Schlichtes Band, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Ostentativ, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Zentral, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Nervöse Fläche, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Verfinsterung, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
Mickey II, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010
A la maison, 170x170cm, acrylic and pigment on canvas, 2010