Michel Carmantrand, 2018.

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Tarp, lacquer paint, oil, tarpaulin
Tarp (from Berlin to David Hockney and the pre-Renaissance, and back), 200x300cm (78.7x118"), oil and lacquer on tarpaulin, 2018
Tarp, oil and lacquer on tarpaulin, 2018


Poop, raw ceramic, plaster, acrylic, lacquer and oil paint
Poop, plaster ans ceramic, lacquer, acrylic and oil


Tin cans, molding the inside of two tin cans, acrylic and Gesso
Tin cans


Illy, lacquer on cans
Illy, cans and lacquer

Pearlb (pear and bulb), oil on plastic board, one-dimensional figuration,  24 x 24 cm
Pearlb (pear and bulb), oil on plastic board, one-dimensional figuration,  24 x 24 cm


La peinture qui n'existe pas, aluminium frame, Gesso, acrylic, oil, 35 x 43 cm
La peinture qui n'existe pas


The cobble, cobblestone, plaster, sponge
The cobble
Cobble, cobblestone, plaster, sponge
Cobble, cobblestone, plaster, sponge

Cobble, le fossile et le vivant mort, 9x9x9cm, pavé, éponge et plâtre, 2018, résulte de la rencontre apparemment fortuite de deux artefacts de qualités différentes, du croisement de différentes vertus, de différentes potentialités, polarités, de différentes matières, de différentes destinations. — Il est ainsi très proche d’un des tout premiers objets que j’aie jamais faits, en 1996, intitulé, justement, Artefact, où se trouvent mis en relation et en contact un parallélépipède en bois (une boîte vide fermée, clouée), le moulage en plâtre d’un verre, un rognon de silex. — Mais l’un et l’autre de ces objets communs, éponge et pavé, possèdent ce qui les réunit : ils ont à voir avec la surface. L’éponge efface, balaie, nettoie des surfaces, sa mollesse s’y applique étroitement ; le pavé s’applique au sol, on le piétine sous ses semelles (surfaces), on s’y déplace. Petites surfaces et grande surface.
Croisement concentré et paradoxal de qualités physiques et symboliques souvent tenues pour opposées, et de ce fait étroitement liées entre elles par le langage et la perception. Ainsi, le sec du pavé et l’humide de l’éponge, le spongieux de l’éponge et le parfaitement lisse d’une des six faces du pavé (ici au contact du support, du "sol"), le "cube" clos et définitif du pavé contre l’informe de l’éponge en action, l’humidité de l’éponge et le sec de la pierre, la mollesse de l’une, la dureté de l’autre, l’absorbant et l’étanche, entre autres, puisqu’on peut étendre et déplier plus loin les plis de l’éventail : le dedans (la maison) et le dehors de la rue, le domestique et le public, etc.
C’est le plâtre dont est remplie l’éponge qui sert ici de "liant", sans pour autant coller (on peut aisément séparer l’une de l’autre et les réunir à nouveau, puisqu’il n’existe qu’une possibilité d’emboîtement). Le plâtre manifeste les oppositions en fixant une et une seule combinaison. C’est le poids du pavé s’incrustant dans l’éponge remplie de plâtre liquide qui a déterminé la forme de celle-ci en l’écrasant.
Puis l’ensemble est retourné : la surface aplanie de l’éponge regarde alors le ciel et en attend des signes (parabole), tandis que le pavé se retrouve la tête à l’envers et le crâne par terre.
Dans sa instantanéité durable, observable, d’objet d’art, Cobble fixe une situation complexe, d’accords et d’oppositions, pour ainsi dire entre terre et ciel.


The bite, ceramic clay
The bite
The bite, ceramic clay


Ashes, broken pottery, synthetic clay
Ashes, broken pottery, synthetic clay, 2018
Ashes, broken pottery, synthetic clay, 9 x 9 x 9 cm
Par la présente le peintre se moque d'une certaine peinture.


The good taste, acrylic and oil on board
The good taste

Jaws, raw clay, 2018
Jaws, 2018, synthetic clay
Jaws, 2018, clay


Tick, oil and spray on prepared cardboard
Tick and Tack, aluminium sheet, oil and spray on cardboard

Tack, oil on aluminium sheet
Tack, oil on aluminium foil, 2018


Hermes, plaster
Hermes, plaster, moulding shoes
Hermes, studio snapshot
Hermes, studio pic, moulding the shoes


Bitefull, teeth cast, ceramic and oil
Bitefull, teeth molding, ceramic clay, oil
Bitefull, teeth cast, raw ceramic, oil

Between the mouthful, the smile and the grin, this little sculpture, or this small object, crosses in an economic and concentrated way themes that are familiar to me ; the double and the inversion for instance. How to evoke both the inside and the outside, the content and the container, the front and the back, the absence and the presence by means of a relatively simple implementation.    


Tautology, oil on blackboard
Painted blackboard, oil on blackboard, 2018


Waves, oil on aluminium
Waves, oil on aluminium sheet
Waves, oil on aluminium, 2018


Rwanda, Gesso and lacquer on silkscreen frame
Rwanda, Gesso and gloss paint on silk frame

The circumstances of this genocide have always been in my mind. For several years international diplomacy knew that a political party was planning a coup in Rwanda. This did not stop France, Belgium and Germany, among other things, from selling weapons of war to the paramilitary militias. And when the Hutu massacred a million Tutsis in 1993, the majority of the press ignored the facts. It must be believed that the economic and financial interests at stake did not justify a foreign intervention.


Nose sculpture, synthetic clay and oil
Nose sculpture
Nose sculpture, oil on synthetic clay
Nose sculpture, synthetic clay and oil, 2018


Heart, lacker, glossy paint on silkscreen frame


The tongue, ceramic
The tongue
Portable sculpture, ceramic
Portable sculpture, ceramic
Portable sculpture, ceramic
Portable sculpture, raw ceramic


The ascent to Mount Sinai, acrylic and oil on silkscreen frame
The ascent to Mount Sinai

Top, raw ceramic and foam
Top, raw ceramic and smooth foam


The Birth, cast, oil on plaster, to Botticelli
The Birth
The Birth, cast, oil on plaster, to Botticelli


The no-thing, oil on canvas
The no-thing

Brain, oil on paper

Pyramid, Gesso and oil on silkscreen frame, surface, thinness

Pow,  spray and oil on silkscreen

Drunkard, acrylic on silkscreen

Polka, glossy paint, lacquer, oil and acrylic on silkscreen


BORN BORN BORN, glossy paint on silkscreen

Glowing glove, lacquer and oil on silkscreen
Glowing glove

Revolution (planets), pottery and plaster
Revolution (planets), pottery, plaster
Revolution (planets), plaster and pottery
Revolution (planets):

Tabu (Murnau), cut, collage, acrylic, oil, wood, acrylic mastic
Tabu (Murnau), collage, acrylic, wood, oil
Tabu (Murnau)


Genitals, penis and balls, ceramic
Genitals, penis and balls, raw ceramic
Genitals, penis, balls, ceramic

Mom, oil on canvas

Friday, plaster and lacquer paint
Friday (Daniel Defoe)
Friday, Daniel Defoe, plaster, glossy paint


The Annunciation, acrylic, oil, glossy paint, lacquer paint on silkscreen frame
The Annunciation

untitled, synthetic clay and lacquer
Untitled, synthetic clay and glossy paint


Whose nose, clay and oil
Whose nose
Tendentious nose, oil, raw clay
Whose nose, oil paint and clay


Inside the mouth, ceramic
Inside the mouth, raw clay
Inside (of) the mouth

First man, oil and wood frame
First man

Boot, lacquer paint and oil on silkscreen

Twilight sculpture, ceramic, battery, flashing wire
Twilight sculpture
Twilight sculpture, ceramic, flashing wire
Twilight sculpture, ceramic, flashing electric wire


Poor Emily, Gesso, acrylic and oil paint on silkscreen frame
Poor Emily

Lettering, Gesso, acrylic and lacker paint on silkscreen frame

Dinosaur, acrylic paint and plaster
Dinosaur, plaster and acrylic paint
Dinosaur and soil
Soil and sky (Dinosaur), plaster and acrylic paint


Barn, Gesso, acrylic paint, lacquer and oil on silkscreen frame

Soil, plaster, acrylic
Soil, acrylic paint and plaster
Soil, plaster, acrylic paint


Blow your eyes, acrylic, oil paint and lacquer paint on silkscreen frame
Blow your eyes

Three littlebaroque classical sculptures, synthetic clay, acrylic paint, charcoal
Three little classical sculptures, synthetic clay, acrylic and charcoal
Three little baroque classical sculptures

Cold, oil on silkscreen frame, 43 x 56 cm


Walther, stained wood base, Walther P-88, silicone
Walther, stained wood base, silicone, gun Walther P-88
Walther, stained wood base, Walther P-88, silicone

Silly cone, silkscreen frame, silicon, plastic board
Silly cone

untitled, acrylic paint, glossy paint, lacquer paint, silkscreen frame

Duck, lacquer and oil on silkscreen frame

Inverted, clip and oil on wood

Ice cream, Gesso, acrylic and oil on silkscreen frame
Ice cream

Remember, acrylic and ball-point on wood

Couple, lacquer on silkscreen frame

Current pieces, show, studio Stefan Schröter, Berlin, Germany, 2018
Current pieces, show, studio Stefan Schröter, Berlin, Germany.
Bottle, bottle of plastic mineral water wrapped and crushed in a sheet of lead
plastic bottle crushed and wrapped in lead sheet
Current pieces, show, studio Stefan Schröter, Berlin, Germany, 2018
Current pieces, show, studio Stefan Schröter, Berlin, Germany, 2018
Current pieces, show, studio Stefan Schröter, Berlin, Germany, 2018
Current pieces, show, studio Stefan Schröter, Berlin, Germany, 2018
Current pieces, show, studio Stefan Schröter, Berlin, Germany, 2018
Thing, oil on paper


Two glasses, glasses, casted plaster
Two glasses, casted plaster, glasses
Two glasses

Painting, crushed glass bottle in black silicone
Painting, crushed glass bottle in black silicone


Bag, one kilo of plaster
Bag, one kilo of plaster

The empty egg, balloon and plaster
The empty egg, balloon and plaster


The slab, plaster
The slab, plaster
The slab

BOX, plaster
BOX, plaster, detail, close up

Mirror of the world, plaster
Mirror of the world, plaster
Mirror of the world


Shapeless, ceramic clay
Shapeless, raw ceramic
Shapeless, ceramic clay
Shapeless, raw clay


One hundred euro note, plaster, plexiglass, one hundred euro note
One hundred euro note, plexiglass, one hundred euro note, plaster
one hundred euro note drowned in plaster


Drunk, glass, silicone and plaster
Drunk, plaster, silicone, glass


Petrossian, plaster
Petrossian, plaster


Kicking the sky, moulded plaster
Kicking the sky, plaster
Kicking the sky


Internal tracks, boot sole, plaster
Internal tracks, plaster, boot sole
Internal tracks


Clogged bottle, plaster
Clogged bottle, plaster
Clogged bottle

The content, plaster
The content, glass and plaster
The content


Packaging, plaster in packaging
Packaging, packaging and plaster


The clown, plaster
The clown, plaster
The clown, plaster
The clown

The face, plaster
The face, plaster
The face

Mineral water, plaster
Mineral water, plaster
Mineral water

The cannon, plaster
The cannon, plaster
The cannon, plaster
The cannon

A foot for Eva, ceramic
A foot for Eva, raw clay
A foot for Eva, ceramic
A foot for Eva, raw ceramic clay
A foot for Eva, who broke hers/

Paradoxal watering can, watering can, clay, lacquer
Paradoxal watering can, detail, close up
Paradoxal watering can


Bottle, bottle of plastic mineral water wrapped and crushed in lead
Bottle, bottle of plastic wrapped and crushed in a sheet of lead

Briefcase, plaster and crab
Briefcase, crab in plaster

The grip, plaster
The grip, plaster
The grip, plaster
The grip

Chrysalis, asphalted band wrapped on itself
Chrysalis, wrapped asphalted strip

The fist, plaster and acrylic sealant
The fist, acrylic sealant, plaster
The fist

Green bay been gray, lacquer and glossy paint on silkscreen
Green bay been gray

Man and woman, lacquer on silkscreen frame, transparency
Man and woman

Reverse thrust, silicone, acrylic, oil, lacquer on silkscreen frame
Reverse thrust

Memorex, silicone and plaster on silkscreen frame

Related, oil on silkscreen frame, transparency

Readable, acrylic, silicone, oil, silkscreen frame

SGREEN, acrylic and oil paint on silkscreen frame, transparency

Rubber, acrylic and oil on silkscreen frame, translucensy

FRAME, acrylic and oil on silkscreen frame

Snow, Gesso and oil on transparent silkscreen frame

Sieve, oil and acrylic on silkscreen frame

Rest, acrylic on silkscreen frame

Surface, oil on silkscreen frame

Tide, acrylic and oil on silkscreen frame

FEW, oil paint and acrylic paint on silkscreen frame

Front, silicone on silkscreen frame

Mon travail ne se développe pas selon le modèle de la rassurante ascension, progressive, d’un mont Sinaï de l’esthétique qu’interromprait le seul décès de l’artiste, à un âge avancé et de mort naturelle. Il vise à prendre en compte tous les déboîtements nécessaires à un art considéré comme un outil de compréhension et d’apprentissage, plutôt que comme une méthode de production de marchandises. Il manifeste de manière dialectique, mais sensible, les articulations du visible.
Scheme, diagram


Red, oil paint on silkscreen frame

Form, oil on silkscreen frame, transparency

Hat, acrylic and oil on silkscreen frame, transparency, figuration, word

Hot, Gesso under silkscreen frame, letters, word

Dots, lacquer on silkscreen frame, dripping

Colors, acrylic, gesso, oil paint, silkscreen frame, opacity, transparency

Rest II, oil on silkscreen frame, angle, diagonale
Rest II

Topic, oil paint, acrylic paint, silkscreen frame, transparency, opacity

Blind, acrylic and oil on silkscreen frame, color, mirror effect, reversal, inversion